Become a member
As a member of this fraternity you’ll receive updates on this site and also contribute material in the form of infotainment with photographs, videos and textual content from your location to enrich our data base. You have free subscription to this platform but are welcome to donate generously towards our mutual movement.
TTOA offers you the opportunity to showcase your own activities from your country or location through our shared platform which is linked to all our partner agencies across the globe and to connect to an unlimited list of legends and VIP. You will also receive notifications of musical engagements and tours including the TTOA calendar of events.
Welcome to THE TASTE OF AFRIKA (TTOA) community portal, the home of our continental and diaspora entertainment hub for Afrika and beyond. We extend to you a membership opportunity that connects you to our global family and all our affiliates. You are required to share with us your relevant particulars as below: